Tuesday 18 November 2014

Shaklee ON LIVE: President of Shaklee Malaysia

Program MyKasih Foundation "Care for Our Children"

Mr Victor Lim, President of Shaklee Malaysia said

"A big thank to Bernama TV for having me on their TV show this morning.

I'm delighted that I'm given an opportunity to share about the Shaklee cares for children CSR project. The 3 objectives we want to achieve in this project. 

1. To create the awareness of healthy children require sufficient of nutrients especially during their growing age. That is the time their body form organs and all the bodily system to support their growth. 

2. To create awareness that many children out there are hungry. They don't have food and nutrient to support their lives. That will affect their growth and they might become very weak adult one day.

3. It gives a great opportunity for Shaklee families to participate in this very meaningful CSR project to help the needy in Malaysia.

Mealshake is an answer for our kids. It provided 19 types of vitamins and minerals. 9 types of essential amino acid and fibre and it tastes really good. It's our responsibility to continuously promote this supplement to all the people surrounding us.

Special thank to all the Shaklee families for watching the Bernama TV interview this morning."

Walaupun internet slow dan tersekat2 saya setia mendengar Presiden Shaklee Malaysia bercakap. Memang best sangat... Proud to be a part of Shaklee Families. Semoga program ini berjalan lancar untuk membantu keluarga yang kurang bernasib baik. In sha Allah..

"Prevention is better than cure"
Dapatkan semua produk Shaklee dan konsultasi kesihatan yg terbaik daripada saya, pengedar SHAKLEE anda dan keluarga...

Sebarang pertanyaan
Sila Hubungi Saya,
Asdayanty Phone: 0136507465
Sid 1071673
Facebook: RH-Aszda Yanty

“Produk ini tidak bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuh atau mencegah sebarang jenis penyakit”

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